Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Shrimp is Allergy Festival


You know yesterday was one of those days that you'd like to have a bowl of warm soup or broth to savor while sitting back and relaxing as the day slowly ends. It was a perfect cold and rainy day with an unfortunate ending. As usual, I was in the kitchen cooking food before the folks came in. I was cooking chicken lo mein, or something like that, when our aunt called us up and told us that we'll be having some soup courtesy of her and her husband who had a double order of that food. It was okay, thought it would compliment the food that I just completed. Soon they were home, my sister re-heated the soup that they brought which contained shrimp yes, shrimp. I took the chance of sipping some of the soup that they brought home, well out of hunger I suppose. No, hunger is too big of a word, but I'd rather call it as something that would please them, as a sign of appreciation.

After dinner was over, we had our usual family talk thing going on. I felt like my lips kinda itched a little bit, but I just took it for granted. Then, I was cracking some jokes on my sister when I suddenly felt a sting come on my right chest. It was from then that I became quiet. My sister thought that I was still playing with her, teased me. Then I started to wheeze out a little bit, and felt like I had a difficulty breathing. I took some tylenol to prevent the pain, but I couldn't take it any more, I told my aunt that I think I'm having allergic reactions to the shrimp in the broth. My aunt called the medical group that's closest to our place and asked for some instructions. They asked her to give me some antihistamine, but my uncle decided that it was better to take me to the emergency room since that's what they told them to after taking the antihistamine thing. So without any antihistamine thing, I felt a lot worse as we drove for 30-minutes to the hospital.

At Kaiser Permanente, the hospital, the nurse told me that my breathing was normal, and that it might have primarily come from me being nervous and all so I had to calm down a bit. Later on, I was in one of the emergency room's beds when a nurse asked me what I was feeling and then she came back with a few options for us. First was that benadryl thing, then for a little while later, if I feel a lot better after taking that then I wouldn't be given any other medicine. True enough, I was receiving something that was in vapor form. They told me that this medicine was to open my lungs to promote a normal breathing, which could make me feel a bit sleepy, which I wasn't. But it lasted for an HOUR. Even before that vapor was consumed, the doctor. Dr. Smith, decided to give me the tablets necessary for me to feel better. One was for the stomach cramps, another for the easier absorption of 3 prednisone tablets. My gulay, I felt quite better after the session was over and requested to be sent home. I can't stand hospitals that much. It's too clean. lol. joke. I am not fond of the smell of medicine that's why I try as much as possible to avoid getting sick. I also got an epipen, i don't know what that is, but its a syringe that I need to use in case of a sever allergy attack. My sister is really happy about that, coz I asked her to be the one to do it in case I get my allergies. Time for her revenge, haha.

Going home, I was stressing over the ice cream that my sisters had started to eat when we left and, as my aunt commented, was a sign that I was okay. But during the entire day, I felt very weak and a bit dizzy from time to time, must have been the side effects of some of those medicines. Hopefully I won't get any more allergy attacks, best to avoid the seafood because I still don't know whether if I get this allergy by ingestion or by just being exposed to it. Too bad, I won't be able to lend a helping hand in one of the upcoming Crab Feed events held at the local church. But, it may be a blessing in disguise as it happened even before I offered to help on that seafood festival. ♥



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tol! ano na? haha. nag-allergy ka again.

benadryl is an anti-histamine. and it will really make you feel sleepy.

epipen yung parang pen na tutusukin ka right? yung kachak! baka epinephrine ang laman.

prednisone. naks, steroid. tataba ka nun pag matagal gamit. haha