Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What a Wonderful Wednesday


The sun is up and shinning, good thing the rain didn't last until morning. Evidences of the heavy downpour is still in sight. Nevertheless, its another beautiful day. Beautiful because we have the house to ourselves! Yehey! Our aunt couldn't take us to the school today, maybe she'll try to escape work again tomorrow just to get us all "analyzed" or "guided" by the school councilors, which are too busy if you ask me for they are not returning my aunt's calls. This must be a sign that we shouldn't be in school just yet. Our aunt also told us that she had inquired about the fees, it is indeed true that we were to pay at least, double the amount for tuition. Well, that's that. The facts kinda make me think that going to a school councilor isn't a best bet. That's why I sent mine and dad's resume to her, so she can "check" whatever stuff that's supposed to be there or not.

Yeah, we broke it slightly with our aunt last night. My sister and I kept on telling her that we're not that ready for school. Readiness, determined financially. She asked us what we want to do for the time being, I told her we should look for a job. Imagine the look she had, we know she wants my sister to be in school, but the timing isn't good. Patience is a virtue, and I believe that it is more so in our case. I mean, school is just there, we aren't even settled enough to support ourselves. I don't mean to cast a negative impression on our aunt's wanting to get us to school. But, as I constantly repeat to myself, we are just NEW here. Being NEW has less benefits compared to being at least a year of staying here. I know she's aware of that, since she's been here. She just wants everything to be laid in place. Preparing beforehand, like if we're admitted to that school, such and such things will apply, this and that subject will be credited,etc. Little things that can be done, should be done, if you are able. Staying fixated on one area of interest isn't good as you can never see the big picture unless somebody pops right in and tells you all sort of stuff.

I know that whatever decision we make, whether its to work or to study, we should take it without any doubts or just for the sake of "doing it". Easier said than done, I'll just let the waves of life carry me.

Got to stop worrying about my brothers. I hope they're doing fine in school. ^_^



Anonymous said...

sana makadecide na kayo talaga kung ano gagawin niyo sa ngayon. hirap ng nakikitira kasi tapos walang work. kaya ako dati yoko nung nakikitira lang ako. parang masisira relationship mo sa kanila sa katagalan

Ji Yoh Nie said...

hay kaya naten yan jam... hais naku...