Monday, January 11, 2010

School, Exercise, Starlight & Sweetheart& Anime!! :D

mood: tired but feeling satisfied

Yes!!! It's day 5 of our exercising program!!! wooot~ Good job Joni! I really feel like I'm getting a bit more active. Now, I know that exercising is not good for me at night time. I went to bed at 10pm, and I slept at 2am. wahahaha. I was just lying on my bed, doing nothing, I tried to read a book, but it didn't do well. Heck, if I was reading a thick one, I would've finished it 'til morning! Hahaha. I woke up late.

My brothers had their first day in school today. I am so happy and proud of them! They are in the 10th grade, and they are taking some music classes. I hope that they do well in Pinole, meet new friends and survive this new school environment. I can't wait until we get admitted to school, which we'll be able to find out on wednesday, hopefully.

My uncle told us about getting to school before having a job. My dad told us that we should pool our resources together so we can be independent. So, I'm having a difficult time what to follow or do. But I'm closing in on a decision that is probably more beneficial for our family since we have just arrived. I don't know but, I think since we're new to this country, we'll have to pay 2x the amount for college fees. That is because of the fact that we haven't even been here for around 6mos.-1year. I think my aunt and uncle might have miscalculated that little detail. I mean, how can they support all three of us girls? It's not clear to me. Nor are they telling us what and who to let attend school. Not a word. Oh well, this is what I am getting, LACK OF COMMUNICATION PEOPLE.

All of them here are about time and time alone, they are missing the fact that a simple sentence can make a difference. It don't take that much of the time, it even improves it. Jobs are done faster, things are achieved more efficiently. So, that's what I'm thinking while I digested starlight and sweetheart chocolates. I miss my calories.

Yess!! I am editing this blog for some last minute messages

I just want to invite everyone of you guys out there to please join this forum: AnimeXFactor. Please help us promote this forum by gracing us with your presence,ideas,inputs and activeness that all revolves around anime! Thank You Very Much.



Anonymous said...

ganun ata talaga diyan, since lahat parang nagmamadali, less communication. i think its better if you finish school first para if you get a job, you'll get a better job.

nice nagpalit ka na rin ng layout. its cute XD

Akemi21 said...

yun nga eh, wala masyadong kumunikasyon mga tao kasi rush. kaya madalas kanya-kanya. hays.

the layout is all thanks to joni's help. ^^ thank you

Akemi21 said...

yun nga eh, wala masyadong kumunikasyon mga tao kasi rush. kaya madalas kanya-kanya. hays.

the layout is all thanks to joni's help. ^^ thank you