Friday, January 08, 2010

Free Day! Exercise?

Yes, it's a Free day for me! I'm enjoying the free videos that are on tv today. although some of the videos leave me hanging by the end of the show (coz its free, there are only a few episodes to watch), it still is a good way to waste time.

Speaking of time, my sister and I started this exercise program yesterday. Waking up with a rounder face got me to start monitoring my food and figure. I'm not gonna compare my weight before I got here to now, the pictures taken during the holidays say it all (thank you ate chi for pointing that out). So after two days of exercising, all I can say is... MY BODY HURTS! It's pretty difficult to sweat over here, so even if we go for a walk outside, we couldn't feel any sweat. But we do feel tired. The program is a 90-day workout. My GULAY! 88 days to go! Better if we have fun during the process. I mean, REAL FUN. I personally like it that its a program fit to use at home, that way we can avoid people. LOL. Actually, I feel a little less tired than yesterday. Slept in until 10am (set the alarm at 7:30, which I turned off when it rang. lol) So we had to do the exercise at 12. I must admit that yesterday, after having the session I missed my calories a lot that I ate almost everything that I burned out. Hahaha.

I did some research with the hair color thing, and I've come across this product called Palty. I love their shades and can't wait to try it. Unfortunately, I still don't have any means to finance this change. That's why I decided to wait until I have saved some, which is hopefully after the 90-day period of the exercise program. I'm quite hopeful that by that time, I am either going to school or in the work force. Got to polish that resume.

My brothers are going to have to stay at my aunt's place in Richmond, and they'll be starting to attend school on Monday. I really am positive that they will do good in that school, Pinole. I miss them. I miss all of them. I can't wait until we finally get a chance to be together once more. Hopefully mom will get a chance to talk to lolo and patch things up with him.


Sacrifices are made not to last forever, but for a time. aw

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TABA! TABA! TABA! hahaha. ayos lang, pareho naman tayo. at uso naman diyan mataba. goodluck sa exercise mo!!!