Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring of Life

Mood: Neutral, slightly unwell

I've been thinking a lot. OMG. Thinking? Me? Well, the time has come for me to re-think and plan out what I intend my goals for the rest of my life. Turning a new leaf, is what it's often called, is not always a quick and easy process. A lot of things that involves a serious amount of change will be inevitable. I'd like to think that I have been viewing myself more clearly now that I get to interact with my other relatives and understand what they expect me to do, what I would like to do and all that stuff. It is quite a new thing for me actually. Never in my entire life did I feel obligated to change so deeply. It is like I feel there is more that I can do with my life besides what they tell me to do. I may just have the right idea, but their input is just as valuable. This might be the first time I acknowledged it with the presence of other people; or maybe I finally get to understand what I want to do with my life. The first step has been taken.

The following steps--a series of ups and downs. Of course, life is all about the emotions and understanding of these emotions logically is what makes life more interesting. The change that I am going to take may be difficult at first, it is a process. Nobody can stop what the heart and mind have set out to do. Although there would be times that hindrances will come to path, but still nobody dies just because of a minor hindrance, words with meaning do kill a newly turned leaf.

Spring marks a new beginning. A change of season can help start the change of some attitudes into positive ones. As one changes, a lot of things change also happens for the people around him/her as well. I'd like to start and be that change. I want to motivate others to reach and realize their goals as well. This is no doubt, a part of a long term goal I need to take soon.

Goal #1 set. Objectives:

  • Study hard - earning a good score is not enough.
  • Beat the crap out of our "pampered" boy cousins - you guys KNOW that WE are HUMAN too, I will not tolerate your rude behavior
  • Motivate other people - you can do it too!

*I know I've said this a couple of times already, but repeating it again wouldn't even be enough for what you've done for us. Lolo and Lola, Titas and Titos, thanks for bringing us here. You've given us a new life. I will not waste the opportunity that you gave me and my family. Your kindness will forever be etched in our hearts.

anime icon by: noodledice
photo: spring

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol at 2nd goal. kala ko may love life ka na kasi spring has come post mo sa FB haha