Wednesday, March 03, 2010

21st Celebration

Mood: extremely agitated and restless

The final days of February always gives me butterflies. March was just around the corner, and I know that after just 24 hours of it being here I am a year older, if not wiser, again. This birthday celebration was unique. This was the first year that I have to spend it away from my family. Not that I don't consider the ones I am with family, rather I feel different celebrating it with them. The warmth and joy was there but not as much as when it was with mom, dad or my brothers. Good thing my sisters were physically with me when I celebrated that day or else I'd really be sad.

I am not really concerned about the presents I received, but the company of the people around me. Family being together and all that social things they do, that's what I miss. I can be like that here at my aunt's house, but there is no substitute. Eating out last night did indeed save time to do household chores and a new experience. Believe me when I say new experience. My aunt told the waiter that it was my birthday. I was expecting them to just shrug it off. But no, after eating (referring to them who were done, I wasn't even finished with my meal), a couple of waiters came to my surprise (good thing I didn't have a heart attack), and began chanting happy birthday. So everyone in that restaurant came to know it was my birthday. What an embarrassing, yet memorable experience. Still I wish I would have spent it with my family.

I miss my mom, dad, brothers.

This is also part of the family sacrifice we have to endure on our coming here. Celebrations, gatherings and company that we took for granted when we were together. It is nice to remember the times together every once in a while. This is just a step toward being together--soon. And it's not like there is no way to connect with them. There's always the phone and all. Separation is difficult but not permanent.

icons by: natsuriko
, eunkyung

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Belated Happy Birthday!!! Hahaha nagulat ka ba? Kahit dito sa Pinas may ganyan. Yung iba nga bibigyan ka ng cupcake na may 1 candle. lol. blow mo.

Balang araw magsasama-sama rin whole family niyo sa isang bubong. Wait mo lang