Monday, February 22, 2010

Body pain, school, and other activities

Lately I have been developing a habit of setting my alarm on for the following day just before going to bed only to wait for it to go on the following day and turning it off, then I go back to sleep. It really is bothering me, but today I did the exact same thing. Hope tomorrow I remember to change it, since I've been missing a lot of time with my extra sleeping hours.
I've decided to go back and do the exercise program again. I stopped the first time I did it because my body is in so much pain. The current body aches I receive reminded me of how intensive it can get, making my body really stick to the bed the following day. But if some can do the program, why can't I? Yeah, I really need to exercise real bad to level off the amount of food I ate when I got here.
Joni Jam Jelline

My aunt took us to see a community college last Thursday. We were able to accomplish quite a lot that day. We took the new students' orientation, able to schedule an appointment with a councilor this coming Thursday. I really hope that most of my subjects would be credited in order for me to finish my current course. Sayang naman kasi eh, 1 year na lang graduate na sana. The school is just known for 2-year courses, and if ever we get admitted maybe we'll be focusing more on the major subjects because we have already passed the minor subjects. Or they can just advice us to go to a different school that offers 4-yr programs. I don't know how their system goes, but these are just my speculations. Although just to be physically present in that school is nostalgic. I REALLY MISS SCHOOL.

Last Saturday, I was really nervous and shy to call the Kumon Center near our place. They are looking for part-time Reading assistants, Math assistants and receptionists. When I decided to call, I couldn't speak audibly enough for the other person to hear me. But I was still able to get some requirements for the job, like the person has to drive to at least 2 of the 3 learning centers per week. So after ending the embarrassing call, I decided to call my grandma and ask her advice. She laughed and encouraged me as I disclose to her what just happened. The call lasted for more than an hour with me ending up telling everyone who was present at their house that day what I just did. They boosted my confidence and made me decide to call the center again.

The second call was different than the first one. I had gained a lot of confidence that enabled me to deliver what I wanted to tell the person without stuttering. It was rewarding as well because luckily the girl told me that I can drop by the center right now to pick up an application form. I was so happy at that moment (imagine, kukuha pa lang ng application yan ah.what more kung hired na.hahaha.) and told her I'd swing by a little later. After that call, I went ahead and broke the news to everyone. I also found out that it wasn't necessary for me to have a driver's license, just as long as I can arrive at the centers on time.

Dressing up for the trip to the center took longer than picking the application form up. I was able to see the girl I phoned a little earlier about the job. She must have thought, Oh this was the girl who was stuttering. Hahaha. Well to me, she's not like the type to eat a person anyway. ^_^ I have to fill out the application form and submit it this Wednesday. Weee~ I hope I still have confidence. Still working on that confidence thing. Guess I should call my grandma again...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

naks. sana makuha mo ung job XD

ako stuttering mode din kahapon during our oral exam haha