Thursday, May 06, 2010

Planting Herbs and Zombies

Location: Martin Luther King,Jr. Regional Library-Sac
Mood: I am excited but still calm

April is finally over! The rainy days are gone. It's getting warmer, just about the right weather to start growing some plants.

Plants vs. Zombies - A game I am addicted to right now. Perfect!

Earlier this week my uncle took us to Capitol Nurseries, Sacramento and in Elk Grove, where they got most of their plants. He gave us a lot of helpful hints about selecting the right seedling, and reading the labels indicated. I didn't push my luck and let him do all the shopping, but my sisters and I were asked to pick a handful of herbs to start our own herb garden. Obviously the reason why I wanted to participate in the garden. Lol. Anything for food.

After we selected the plants and a few photo opportunities courtesy of my sister's camera, we drove home and laid the plants there. It wasn't over just yet, we needed to get chicken manure and bricks for the plants to grow on. So we went and checked out Green Acres. The first idea that came to mind was having the herbs grow on plant boxes. We found out that they were too expensive and decided not to get them. Instead we got ourselves the fertilizer and bricks at Home Depot on the way back. It was a very busy day indeed.

We didn't work on the garden when we got back, which was around 12noon or so, for fear of getting burned. Not that I have to worry about getting burned, Hah! Time to wear my trusty woven garden hat! I got it when we visited the Roseville Auction last weekend, which I could've gotten for $2 if I had time to haggle. $3 is not such a bad price when you compare it with the ones they have at the nurseries or other gardening tool stores. Anyway, going back to the story, everyone waited 'til the sun was just an angle lower before we worked on transplanting the seedlings.

Making the herb garden was a bit of work though. We had to transport the bricks from the garage to the garden. It was not a light job, good thing I was watering the flowering plants then. After the bricks were laid to their final, if not temporary, resting places we began to stir the manure with the soil present on the ground. Yes it was a messy task but it was fun. Afterwards, we started the transplanting operation! The herbs that we got were:

  • Sweet Basil
  • Onion Chives
  • Rosemary
  • Thai Basil
  • Greek Oregano
  • Parsely
  • Cilantro
Oh yeah, we also got some vegetables for the other plots. We got:

  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Lemon Boy Tomatoes
  • Japanese Eggplant *
  • Ichiban Eggplant *
  • Thai Chilli
  • Roma Tomatoes

* these two are different varieties, weird.

Having all of them planted, we poured a bit of plant vitamins and then watered them. I asked uncle how many times he waters them plants and he said that not often. Well I think it is good if you do it every other day then.

♥♥♥Grow plants grow!!!♥♥♥

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Silly God Disco played when I checked your blog. I suddenly missed the GazettE. LOL.

Kala ko about PvsZ ang post mo. Haha. Nagtatanim ka na pala ngayon dude. Keep it up! Sana maharvest mo sila. Watch over them a lot since natutunaw ang iba pag napapabayaan.

Sayang yung mga pakwan ko dati. Grade 3 ako noon, e nilagnat ako. Nadeadz. Hahahahah