Monday, May 31, 2010

Randomly Tagged

I got tagged by UMI. Was supposed to have a dip but the pool was occupied so my sisters and I went back.

Here goes!

Give the top 10 list of things that make you happy

1. Family
2. Books
3. Candy
4. Chocolates
5. Manga
6. Sleep
7. Achieving something I thought I couldn't do.
8. Watching Food network
9. Anime
10. Otomen (lol)

Give top 5 list of trivia about yourself

1. When I was a little girl I watched my mom put her make up on before she goes to work. I really liked the red lipstick that she puts on. Many times have I attempted to take it from her cabinet, but since I was little I couldn't reach it. One day when I opened the refrigerator I saw something similar to that lipstick's shape and color. I grabbed one piece and hid to apply it on my lips. Not soon after I had applied it though I felt my lips burning and inflamed. I cried real hard and caught my mom's attention. She told me that it wasn't lipstick. It was siling labuyo or chili. Man ever since then I shunned myself from make up or anything like that.

2. I like hats and anything that covers the head. It makes me feel somewhat secure if I have something on my head than leaving it bare with just hair. Even a clip would do.

3. I am attracted to shiny and round things. *Hint*gift idea*hint*

4. I have a brother complex. No one is allowed to get close to my brothers. My brothers think the opposite though.

5. I do not like sports just as much as it doesn't like me.

I don't have that many friends, so I'm just gonna tag ate chi!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lols unica hija pati sa tag. haha. i'm writing it now XD