Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Decisions and Confusions Gallore!!

Listening to: Tchaikovsky's Capriccio Italien In A
Mood: Normal to confused
Tolerance Level: average

The balance has been disrupted. Most of us who are powerless grew more powerless with this shift. Only 2 of 5 sides are conversing towards the benefit of "all". Clearly showing who's got the authority. We sit and wait for the storm to calm down a bit. But at the last minute, I laugh silently at the chaos that these two created. Each followed what is on their mind and disregarded the compromise that they had went through. When you're too caught up with one thing, you tend to loose respect for the other person's opinion. Technically, both of them didn't respect anybody's decision. They only considered their own decisions even if they ask another being of what she/he thinks. Still, they insisted what they think is right or beneficial for everyone; when it clearly shows that each is only looking after their backs.

Dear Super power A and Super power B, please do not forget the other sides that make up the remainder of the family. Do elevate us into a level that is a bit closer to you, just enough to participate in decisions that would make us all save the time and effort. More heads are better than one, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

otosan okasan?