Monday, June 28, 2010

~dAmn u Internent~

Because of the boredom and my inability to gain friends in the real world, I decided to go and look for them on the fabulous world of the internet. Looking for friends online isn't that bad, or so I thought once before I got duped years ago.


Yes, there is a lot of them over the internet. People who are not contented with reality. People who reinvent a new self over some person or object that they identify themselves with but are really the opposite of what they can do or have. Reinventing a self that you would want to see yourself isn't that bad especially if that person is going to follow that path sooner or later. What's bad is when a person confuses what he can do in that world and reality.

I do believe that once I had been one. There had been a time when I forced myself to be someone I wasn't and it made me confused with what I have and don't. I'm glad I turned around before I went deeper. Personally, I hate myself for being something like that before but it did help me grow and that's what is important.

(a.k.a. People who are papansin)

There are lots of these types too in the internet. Sometimes there are even subtypes. I am not going too much on the details on this section, but I really don't like people who are on this category.

For some reason they just can't make up their minds. I don't know if they need help or not. What I do know is that they are people who are disturbed and seeking attention from people who they know for sure will either ignore them or enable them to continue this behavior.

Let's just say that the people who are under this category falls into two major roles: The "disabled" and the "enabler". A disabled person is the person who writes something highly emotional words that have a tendency to disturb another person's peace. That person is someone who, feeling that they have to save another soul from the depth of hell come from the enabler. They feed the disabled person's whims and creates an even more helpless/creative person (to positively put it). This cycle goes on and on until the enabler decides that it's time to leave the disabled.

I do not label this relationship or people under this relationship as something that is purely negative. Something positive might indeed come up under this relationship over time. But that is under the premise that both of them are on the realistic level and not in some digital level or any of that sort. That is to say, that both should have a genuine understanding of what they can do for real and what they cannot.


The direct cousins of the "enablers". However there are some cases which an enabler gains experience, thus earning the right to be labeled under this category as well. They are people who jump in at the right moment, at the right time and say random mean stuff like . Take note of the word mean.

There are two distinct categories the positve and negative defenders. Positive defenders as their name implies are people who are just about as peaceful as any defender in the real world are and can settle an argument in a civilized manner. Negative defenders are the opposite. They usually flame and if possible, drive another person traumatized or insane by the experience.


Overall these are just some observations that I've derived from the people I come in contact with over the internet. Categories can or may not apply to anyone else's experience with the internet. I am sorry if the categories are inaccurate. These are just my opinions, not to be taken too seriously.For some reason I can't even make friends online, much more than in the real world. I tried, but I failed. For some reason, I feel like I apologize too much.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Something to rant about

Yes, I don't know what I am doing right now. I am so bored. Everyday is the same. I want something new to do. I can't stand my sisters and the way they treat me, which in a way I probably deserve to be treated like. Still, I want to change! I want to be more serious and be taken seriously. This is crappy. I don't want to be treated like a loser kid anymore. Psssh... I need a daruma doll.

One of my sisters always pretends to be angry when doing chores, meh... Exaggerating her tone of voice every time I tell her something while she's at it. Seriously, she wants me to be angry too. But I distance myself and let everything cool. I don't know but somehow this technique is not working so far, she still thinks that she's way up there and I can't tell on her. This is a real headache.

The other one, well we kinda get along well with each other except for the times when she treats me like I am some nobody or I don't know what I am doing. She has her own flaws as I do but still she lacks the proper etiquette of talking to people. Cutting in whatever I'm trying to relay may be one of the things I would wish that she'd change after all, she's old enough to realize that it isn't cute.

Lastly, I really do wish that I'd learn to deliver myself clearly and firmly to them. I've been holding back for quite awhile now, denying my age and my role. I had been holding back and letting them be the older people, but it has gone too far. Change is on it's way!

Image by Lunatel : Plotting

Sunday, June 06, 2010


Yes, I am a fan of the manga Skip Beat! by Yoshiki Nakamura. I just found out that there's gonna be a Taiwanese Live-action Drama of it coming out pretty soon. It is entitled
Extravagant Challenge. I know that this news has been going on for a while now, but still it came as a surprise for me.

And to my dismay, the lead guy would be played by Jerry Yan.
(bg music switch on: oh baby baby baby my baby baby...) I'm gonna give him 3 out of 5 Stars. They somehow look similar... And
I don't have problems about him acting. But with Ren Tsuruga's part, oh man that would be like... To be honest,he is okay for the part,like I said, he kinda looks like Ren somewhat.... on some degree... Still, I am restless! Oh my gulay have mercy! There's nothing I can do though but rant about it.

Well it must be difficult to find a guy that would be close to what Ren actually looks like since he's just a fragment from a mangaka's imagination. But still, nooo... *cries* Personally, I don't find Jerry Yan sexy at all, unlik
e Ren... *drools* Some manga characters are better where they are, in that 2d world in which they exist solely under the control of the mangaka. But still, it would be nice to stumble upon someone who has a striking resemblance to a manga character. Then again, this is reality. Nonetheless, it is inevitable to drift into a dream especially if you see something like this>
~Ren do not look at me like that~ *nosebleed*


I must confess that...

I really should not have looked at the Live-action section @ Wikipedia. Curse me and my curiosity. But still I'm gonna wait for it to come out and see it anytime soon once it becomes available. After all, it might be a good adaptation. We'll see... IF it still ever comes out... *evil laughter* :p See another suggestion of who would fit Ren Tsuruga here,video by rgpponci.

(Oh baby baby baby, my baby baby wo jue bu neng shi qu ni~music off.)