Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The day of "T's"

T is for T.O.P. the T-rex

Ah, today is the day of T's. I'm glad that I finally had the time to write something that is worth telling. So far this month has been treating me fairly, which is good news.

I consulted with my uncle about the pen tablet that I really liked. Since he told me he had bought one before, I take it that he knows if I should stick with the brand he bought or just a cheaper one. He told me that it's been years ago and now he lost track of the tablet's whereabouts in his messy room. I told him instead of making it rot away, why don't he just give it to me? (I was silently wishing that) He was selling me the item for $200, which was barely half of its original price, or so he says... And then I thought, who would buy a Wacom bamboo pen tablet for $200? But I was proved wrong when I finally got to see the whole thing. Lo and behold, it was an Intuos 3. ♥o♥ My eyes burned just by setting gaze on this wonderful technology. He told me that the rest of the parts were missing and so I decided to look for more of the treasure in every nook and cranny. I went home rewarded. No I didn't buy it, he was kind enough to lend it to me. *sigh* It's better than not having borrowed at all. Maybe if I can get that amount of cash I can just buy this from him soon.


Though harvest time came in late, I'm glad that there were some tomatoes that are still thriving even after my uncle had accidentally flooded the vegetable garden. This morning I picked up some of the new tomatoes that have just ripened. It's the Lemon boy variety. I would never have thought that tomatoes could be yellow, but this one proves me wrong. They really look like lemons, even more tarty than the regular tomatoes. It's best for salads and all of those fancy things that requires color.

Yes, I can't get enough of Tsuruga Ren. I don't know, there's just something about him that's particularly appealing to me. Not that I've been cheating on Sebastian, it's just that...there's plenty of room for everyone. Lol. Hahaha.
The funny thing is that I can't draw a particularly satisfying depiction of him or Kyoko or any other character. I suck at shading. Sorry Ren, I guess you'll just be stuck with my current image of you...

(I know it's not a "T" but I just had to release it)
The most difficult part of the face that I can't depict well. I find it better to draw simple manga noses but when its a pseudo-realistic drawing... I'd rather do hair. The nose, paired with shading of tones makes up all of the things that make my renditions odd. I know I suck but I just want to try some more, but each time I do the nose looks more and more hideous (I know it's a bit harsh but trust me, it's not nice). I'm glad that my sister, Joni had been nice enough to sit still for me in order to observe the way the nose and shades look like in a particular angle. Newspaper ads are helpful too.

I ♥ you sister. XD Model for me again.